Missing Person Investigation

Missing Person Investigation

Love or to be loved is one of the best feelings in this world. But, it becomes very painful and stressful when you came to know that your loved one is missing somewhere and you were not able to find the person. Your mind stop working at the moment and you are not able to take any decisions. At this moment detective agency will help you and support you.

We at Indian Detective Services have a special and experienced team for handling missing person investigation cases. All detectives have a good working experience which includes law enforcement, risk management veterans and units of military. Our detectives help you to find unique and right solution during the most challenging phase of your life.

  • We can do detail background checks
  • Research about identity and contact information
  • Conducting asset searches
  • We can check place of employment or service

Detectives can check the various reasons for the cause of missing identity. They can check all the background records of the missing person also they can check about their family and friends background. This will help them to find the reason of missing person.

Cause of Missing

Under the situation of missing your family person, family members got panic and ask the questions everywhere if a person goes missing. But they are unable to find the person. So if it’s more than 24 hours and the family members were unable to find the person than its verified that the person is missing. In this situation you can hire a best detective agency, the agency will help you to do the research of missing person and helps to find one.

Stress and Pressure

When someone is missing, the first step is to find the reason behind this miss happening. In most of the cases the most common reason for someone to go missing is because of stress and pressure. This pressure could be because of relationship issues, monetary problems or professional stress. Also, we can check the health record of the missing person if that person has a history of mental illness, this could also be a reason.


In hindu culture people follow the conventional wedding traditions and believe in arrange marriages. They think love marriages are a poor alternative. Parents who are very particular about caste systems or arrange marriages makes pressure on their children if they are in any relationship. This results in youngsters leaves their home and parents.


With increase in advancement of technology, the number of crimes and kidnapping cases also increases. With technology one can easily track the live location of the person and this result in more and more kidnapping cases.


In some tragic cases, people go missing because they are unable to face the shame and humiliation of bankruptcy.

If you are worried about your loved ones and think that they are in danger you can contact Indian Detective Services. We at Indian Detective Services provide you the best missing person investigation with our well-trained and qualified detectives. They will help you to find your loved ones and help you to bring them back safely in your family. Our detectives will do all the research related to missing person includes checking the daily routine of the missing person, check family and friend circle background, habits and many more.

So if you need to best assistance in missing person investigation, you can contact Indian Detective Agency today! We support you 24×7 and 365 days. Don’t think about cost involve in investigation as all are charges are pocket friendly and we do not charge and additional and miscellaneous charges.